
Monday, April 21, 2014

Sunshine Blogger Award + Randomness

The Sunshine/Shine On Award is meant to get to know your fellow bloggers and allow your readers to get to know you a little better with the use of 10 facts about you!

I was awarded the blog by Dorothy of Sewing Fun Things!

The Rules:
  • Include the Logo
  • Link the person who nominated you
  • Write 10 facts about yourself
  • Nominate 10 bloggers
  • Notify the nominees

10 things you might not know about me

  1. I was the cheerleading captain in high school. This is so shameful for my poor, athletic, anti-cheerleading/dance/any activities that are too girly daughter. But I'm peppier than I like to admit so maybe this isn't a surprise :)
  2. I am equally as likely to be listening to hard-core gangster rap as I am bubblegum pop music. I just like music. But not playing music! My mind cannot learn to read music.
  3. Despite being considered "academically gifted", I almost failed 9th grade. Bore-ing. I swear I think I have ADD!
  4. I was about 3 days shy of 21 before I took my first plane ride.
  5. I sleep 8-9 hours per night. I do not play about my sleep.
  6. I have weird food issues. No allergies but so many sensitivities (no beef, no tuna, bbq sauce is spicy). And I dislike "normal" things like ranch dressing (YUCK!), mustard, mayo...I could care less if I never ate pasta again...etc
  7. I think saying I have a sweet tooth would be the understatement of the millennia. I love candy, cookies, cake, pie, cookies :) I seriously have like 12 fillings. It is so sad.
  8. I do not play outside. No thank you. I don't camp or ski or whatever it is that people do outdoors. I can be persuaded to go for a walk on a nice spring/fall day.
  9. Fall is my favorite. It stinks that it lasts for about 13 minutes in Minnesota because I just LOVE fall! I hate summer heat and humidity. Hate. Hate. Hate. So as much as I complain about 6 months of winter, I could not stand to live anywhere where it is hot most of the year.
  10.  I have 3 siblings, 14 nieces and nephews and am soon to be a great aunt.
I Nominate:

Making The Flame

These are all fantastic blogs with FANTASTIC bloggers! Kind, funny, helpful, and they crank out fun to look at garments. sure to check them out!


Because I luuuuurve Randomness...

I have another finished project to show but I think I am going to make a version 2 so I will blog when it's made.

I wore my new pants yesterday with a super bright yellow top purchased from JCPenney many, many moons ago. It is slightly too small. But since it's a style with lots of worked out okay.

I am done trying to make woven tops for Dougie. Done. Done. Done. I will only make knits. And oversized things. And pants. I am never making her a fitted woven top again. Did I say that already? Hmmph!!!!!

Okay, the pattern called for a 20" zipper. I wanted to use this coral zipper and I didn't have a 20" zipper. LOL! Well, I definitely needed a full zipper.

If you look at her waist in comparison to her shoulders...Geez.

Poor baby was again traumatized trying to get in and out of this top.

So I now need to unpick the zipper and CB seam and use a full zipper. I also need to redo the front of the right sleeve and the back of the left sleeve (a couple of puckers).

I did a 3/4" broad back adjustment (thanks Anne of ClothingEngineer!) which worked tremendously well. I can now understand, after doing it, why it makes a difference in the sleeve/armscye fit.

I am going to skip the facings and just use bias tape on the neckline. I think she might find a top with facings too cumbersome.

**You do not realize the hassle involved talking her into TRYING the peplum. And I think it looks amazingly cute on her and says even more, "Look at my teeny, tiny waist (that is approximately the same size as my mother's thigh)" ;-)