Monday, November 16, 2015

I Would Like to Be...The Outerwear Queen!

Long before I started sewing I would have conversations with friends and while many of us were shoe lovers, most of them were also bag lovers.

I don't care about bags.

I buy one $40 bag, preferably in a neutral, and carry it til it dies.

But outerwear. Oh how I love outerwear!!!

I have at least a 15 outerwear pieces in my closet. I have a whole closet for my outerwear!

Happily, I am up to 5 handmade outerwear items! Well, that number will be changing in the near future! LOL!!!

I'd just posted on Instagram to day how happy I am that this coat fits again.

I scored it for $30 on clearance at JC Penney one year, after seeing it for $140 at Macy's on clearance. I think I bought this coat in '07 or '08 but I think it still wears really well.

It has a bubble hem, slightly puffed sleeves gathered at the wrists and a funnel collar. So feminine and so much to love! 

And then someone posted on PR about a OOP/Vintage outerwear sale on EBay (Here, NAYY), where I managed to buy this little lovely:

S8975, Vintage 1970s trench

And then I was minding my own business and saw that Closet Case Files released a new pattern, the Clare.

Now, I'm not a huge fan of their patterns and don't follow the blog. It was an IG post that hipped me and OHMYGOSH I have to have it!!!!! I think both coats can fit in with my extensive collection!

IMO, *THIS* is the kind of interest I think of when I consider dropping major bucks --which I consider an $18 pattern -- on an Indie. So many things are not interesting enough to warrant stepping out of the Big4 box. And I don't seem to have the problems with Big4 that many complain about. I sew "my" size, I make "my" adjustments, and by and large, that formula works!

Now, I'm not saying "this is the most innovative thing in the history of all the things ever and that no coat pattern like this has ever been made ever in history."

Yes, I am being difficult! I'm just saying, It is cute, it's different, and looks like it'd be fun to sew and wear. Winner!

Good thing I haven't been buying fabric!!!