Monday, June 23, 2014

WORKS in Progress

My name is Nakisha and I have sewing attention deficit disorder.

This weekend was a weird one -- not jam-packed with activities but it totally just slipped on by. I got a bit of sewing done in fits and as a result have nothing finished but several "in progress" works. long as it gets sewn!

Simplicity 2443 jacket:

This project could be WAY further along but those dang pockets!!!!! I posted a thread on PR and got a ton of helpful tips for turning out round patch pockets. I think they came out okay (sorry for the overexposed pic).

I *really* wanted the crazy ties and all that but it's designed to be made with ribbon and I've been to 3 spots and found no matching ribbon. I am going to "turn a tube" and see if it hangs well...I hate turning tubes.

Still need:
pockets stitched onto other front
sleeves (plackets, band and setting in)
Bottom band

Simplicity 2255:

This fabric makes me happy. It washed and dried well. It presses AHHH-mazingly! (everything should be made in nice cotton. Everything. Alllll the things) you see something?

I bet you do...even my daughter did.

My sailboats and seagulls are upside down. I cannot believe I made such a bone-headed move. I was going for optimal fabric use (not that I didn't have enough but I wanted scraps because this fabric makes me happy). Then I made sure my pockets were in line...but the boats are in line with the seagulls and the seagulls are in line with the boats. holy cow! sheesh!!!!!! But I am going forward. The shirt will be finished, upside boats or not. If it drives me too crazy it'll serve as a "throw on" top. I really almost ran back to FabricMart to buy more since I was so heartbroken over it!

Still need:
Sleeves set
Button band
Buttons and buttonholes 

PJ pants for the boy:

He wanted fleece lounge pants. In the summer. Whatevs.

I'm fasting for 3 months. Me. Mrs. Buy all the things.

I know...I know...But right now I technically have too much fabric. It's starting to migrate all over. My bins are full. I have fabric on the extra table, I have fabric (a really big pile) in a box in the dining room, I have fabric in my bedroom.

So I will have a marathon of sewing over the next few months. June still has several plans and then there's the mini-wardrobe and then I need work pants.