M6403 - straight shorts looked like hacked off pants -aka- the thigh opening wasn't big enough.
These just feel wrong. Too tight in front for the pleats to relax but too big at the hip and just unflattering at the butt. I do like the width of the thigh though. |
I think the Burda curve works for me. I had to add a very small (like 1/2") wedge at center back. |
Spare yourself and don't look too closely at the front pic! |
I cut a size 10 because the finished measurements were 35" waist and 46" hip.
But shorts need to be bigger apparently. They aren't intended to sit at
my waist like trousers and the hip/thigh needs more room/ease. I
measured a pair of RTW shorts and realized they were indeed bigger. And I
also, apparently need more booty room. So I traced off a size 12 and altered the back crotch curve.
But I went too far because in the size 12, I had baggy butt. Ahhhh.
I have no more energy to muslin...but I have a thick cotton (drill??) fabric in my stash in a BRIGHT kelly green. The Burda's are in progress as a wearable muslin. I have enough to cut the Thurlow's from the same fabric.
I'd planned on making the Thurlow for the contest but it ends Saturday and I'm unsure I'll make that deadline.
Last night my son mentioned that he has an orchestra performance on Friday.
"Wash your shirt", I said.
"Ok. But I can't fit my pants", he said.
But then he asked if I can make pants for him and of course I said, YES!!
This is from their latest release and is perfect for a twiggy 14 year old boy. And I had some 50/50 poly/wool (that I picked up for under $3/yd at Hancock) in the stash so I got to work!
This made me think about the awesome Kyle and her amazement at how much I sew. Which I don't think I sew a lot and I wish I could sew MORE!!! :-)
But last night was a perfect example of how things get done.
5:30 - got home
5:40 - went for a walk
--Because I live with people who are all bigger than me, I will not go to work everyday and do everything at home too. So while I went for a walk my daughter peeled potatoes for dinner and my husband cut them. My son started browning the ground turkey--
6:00 - started dinner (pants convo ensued)
-While cooking dinner I traced off the pants and cut out the paper pattern-
7:00-8:00 - eat dinner and do normal stuff like talking with goofy kids and playing ninja in the kitchen (yes, I know I said they were bigger than me...but we like to play kung-fu ninja)
8:00 - 8:30 - Cut out pants
8:30-9:30 - watch Breaking Bad on Netflix
9:30 - the husband decided to watch an episode of The Walking Dead.
9:30 - 10:15 - interfaced the pieces that needed interfacing, prepared the carriers and serged the cut edges of the pants.
So, yes, I am a busy body. I know! I just can't sit still! But I get a ton done in these little chunks of time.
Tonight I hope to get the zipper inserted and get them all basted so he can try them on.
**It's going to snow today. I still want my dang shorts!!!!